So, there's been a few changes with OTMs that are important to keep in mind, so I felt it would be helpful if I included a quick blog about all of them. If you need to, please send this to your campus OTM admins so they can be aware of this for future reference.
First, a reminder that the Faculty-staff OTM is for academic faculty staff only, and not residential life staff or faculty. We had a lot of OTM submissions this past month that were disqualified because of this. Please change this on your campus level, so that any residential life staff are either under adviser or spotlight.
Second, (drum roll..........) The creation of a Passive Program OTM category is complete!!!! Now, instead of submitting an OTM for bulletin board of the month, you will submit it under the category of "Passive program" under the PROGRAM category (not the general category). This is possible thanks to a piece of legislation that PACURH presented the past year to the National NRHH Board, thanks much in part to Ashley Day's fantastic work. Please be sure to tell your schools and OTM administrators, since this is very important news!
Third, OTMS are due RIGHT when the 11th hits! So, at 11:59 on the 10th of each month is the last possible minute you can submit. This is just a little clarification since I know it can be kind of confusing at times.
☆ Also, the December 11th OTM submission date (for November OTMs) marks the official start of the OTM Competition! Remember: regional wins get 1 point, and national wins get 2! And, there may even be a special bonus for OTMs submitted in a certain category☆
Finally, here's the link to the official letter from the NAN, Matt Winkeler.
With utmost Diamond Love,
About this blog....
This blog is for any and all NRHH members from any region. Here you can find regional and national NRHH updates, areas for comments about what other chapters are doing, and general NRHH musings. It's PACURH-specific, but all are welcome to share their insight and enthusiasm for NRHH!
There will be updates at least bi-monthly, with special detailed updates close to conference times.
There will be updates at least bi-monthly, with special detailed updates close to conference times.
Saturday, November 20, 2010
Sunday, October 31, 2010
PACURH up and kiss it!
So, it seems PACURH is upon us! This coming week there's gonna be a lot going on, and you definitely need to make sure you are properly prepped. This blog entry is all about PACURH and what you can do to get ready for it!
1) The first thing you can do to get ready is...
Read all of the POY (Program of the Year) bids! The bidders took a lot of time to get them ready, and it will make your life a lot easier if you read the bids beforehand. This award has the potential of going national, so we want to make sure the PACURH region is properly represented!
You can find the bids here: http://pacurh.nacurh.org/node/508
2) The second thing you can do to get ready is...
Read the guide to boardroom and bid reading! I put this together to properly prepare everyone for what lie ahead in boardroom, so I hope you all can get something out of it!
You can find the guide here: http://pacurh.nacurh.org/node/500
3) The third thing you can do to get ready is...
Double check to make sure your school NRHH chapter is affiliated. If not, send in your constitution, or re-send it in with the necessary alterations, ASAP! Schools who are not affiliated will not have voting rights in boardroom, and they will have to pay a $5 fee per delegate.
4) The last few things you can do to get ready are...
Get some sleep! Tell the appropriate people (professors, RDs, etc) about your absence! Get pumped for NRHH boardroom! Brush up on your cheers! Learn how to do the PACURH stomp AND say "heeyyyyyy PACURH!" simultaneously (I'm still getting it...)!
AND Contact me if you have any questions or concerns! I check my email multiple times a day, so please try to ask as soon as you can!
With diamond love,
So, it seems PACURH is upon us! This coming week there's gonna be a lot going on, and you definitely need to make sure you are properly prepped. This blog entry is all about PACURH and what you can do to get ready for it!
1) The first thing you can do to get ready is...
Read all of the POY (Program of the Year) bids! The bidders took a lot of time to get them ready, and it will make your life a lot easier if you read the bids beforehand. This award has the potential of going national, so we want to make sure the PACURH region is properly represented!
You can find the bids here: http://pacurh.nacurh.org/node/508
2) The second thing you can do to get ready is...
Read the guide to boardroom and bid reading! I put this together to properly prepare everyone for what lie ahead in boardroom, so I hope you all can get something out of it!
You can find the guide here: http://pacurh.nacurh.org/node/500
3) The third thing you can do to get ready is...
Double check to make sure your school NRHH chapter is affiliated. If not, send in your constitution, or re-send it in with the necessary alterations, ASAP! Schools who are not affiliated will not have voting rights in boardroom, and they will have to pay a $5 fee per delegate.
4) The last few things you can do to get ready are...
Get some sleep! Tell the appropriate people (professors, RDs, etc) about your absence! Get pumped for NRHH boardroom! Brush up on your cheers! Learn how to do the PACURH stomp AND say "heeyyyyyy PACURH!" simultaneously (I'm still getting it...)!
AND Contact me if you have any questions or concerns! I check my email multiple times a day, so please try to ask as soon as you can!
With diamond love,
Friday, October 8, 2010
All about the OTMs, baby!
“People often say that motivation doesn't last. Well, neither does bathing – that's why we recommend it daily."
~Zig Ziglar

So, this blog is all about OTMs! We recently had a regional NRHH chat about OTMs, so I thought it would be fitting to write my blog about that.
I used to write pretty crummy OTMs when I first became an NRHH member. I remember they had no more than a couple hundred words, and never really said anything significant about what the nominee did during the month. Half the time, the nominee wouldn't even know the OTM was written about them!

Of course, I'm no longer allowed to write OTMs (which is weird, because I have to try to convince other people on campus to write OTMs for people I think are awesome), but I have certainly seen the benefits of writing these for people. Ever since my OTMs started really winning, I was able to brighten the days of many leaders and people on my campus.

We all need positive feedback once in a while, so why not submit an OTM today and try to make someone's day better, and their job easier?
Below is the new OTM guide that I, along with the OTM Voting COmmittee, put together. There's tips about writing good OTMs, along with category break-downs, and a few ways campuses have spread the OTM love! I hope you all enjoy!
PACURH OTM Writing Guide
Saturday, September 11, 2010
Let's talk about membership!
"Flaming enthusiasm, backed up by horse sense and persistence, is the quality that most frequently makes for success." ~Dale Carnegie
It's a new year and a new and exciting beginning for your NRHH chapter! Hopefully you are all ready to start the year strong and get lots of valuable new NRHH members, along with keeping up the interest of the old!
Most of you are probably familiar with the fact that catching and keeping members can be a daunting task at the very least. The good thing is, you aren't alone! Not only are other NRHH chapters going through similar things, but other organizations as a whole go through this! Clubs, Greek communities, workplaces, etc.! During the past year, I went to a program at my school, put on by one of the community centers for diversity clubs, all about membership recruitment and retention.
This program was valuable because, although not catered towards NRHH itself, it talked about ways to get members and to keep up their interest. Here are some of the main points from the event (keep in mind these are meant to just give you some ideas, and you are encouraged to try new things and be creative!):
1) Make sure your current membership knows what you are all about. Perhaps create a tag line or slogan (elevator speech?) that sums up your organization as it runs on campus. Basically, if your members can't explain what NRHH is, how do you expect anyone to be interested in joining? *eg: "NRHH is the residence hall organization made up of the top 1% of on-campus leaders, and is devoted to creating community in the residence halls and providing opportunities for service, leadership development, academic enrichment, and recognition."

2) Create a handout that explains your purpose. So, when you go to club fairs, etc., you can hand it out to people to let them know what you are. This might be more effective with your RHA, but it never hurts to have a few pamphlets made out to send to prospective members!
3) Think about ways your chapter can provide things that no other organization can provide. Perhaps NRHH can link up with alumni members for networking nights or etiquette dinner programs. Maybe you're the only service-oriented organization on campus. Maybe OTMs can become something your Associated Students organization gets to learn more about!
4) Create a membership benefit program. Everyone loves coupons and study snacks... even more, everyone loves getting mail! Consider membership gifts or benefits.
5) Be creative about getting your name out there! Even if it's just all your members go to programs on campus to give recognition to the organizers! Passive programming works well too!
So, with that, I'm going to open up the comments for everyone to mention something about how they recruit members or retain them! Please give a little paragraph about anything in particular your chapter does!
Besides that, I wish you all the best of luck as your reach out to new and returning members!
(NRHH logo image credit: University of Arizona's NRHH chapter. Due to formatting issues, the credit for it is going down here...)
Monday, August 23, 2010
NRHH Buddy Schools
"No my friend, darkness is not everywhere, for here and there I find faces illuminated from within; paper lanterns among the dark trees." ~Carole Borges
Does your chapter feel like it's all alone in the challenges of establishing an awesome NRHH experience for students on campus? Do you feel like you have all this experience just waiting to be shared with other chapters? Well, you don't have to be lonely anymore! I'm putting together an NRHH Buddy School system to pair up schools based on how they can help one another with strengths and weaknesses.
Thing is, I don't know every chapter's strengths or weaknesses, so I need your help to do so! Please fill out this survey to give me more information on pairing up schools in the best way possible!
Let me know if you have any issues with this, and I can't wait to see what everyone has got going on!
Lots of diamond love,
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
Start the year off strong!!
"To bend a bamboo, start when it is a shoot." ~Malaysian Proverb

So, this next blog post is all about starting the year off strong. Some of you might recognize that quote from the pamphlet I handed out during NACURH at UCSD, and hopefully it's given you some food for thought during the past month and a half since we last saw one another. It's a quote that energized me for the start of the year last year, and I hope it can energize you all as well!

There's no doubt that your members are the busiest in the world (including yourself). However, at the start of the year, everyone's not only less busy, but they have tons more energy. So, capitalize on that energy. Do lots of programming--and lots of bold programming. Try something new! Work with your executive boards to take some risks and have some fun. Lost on ideas? Talk to other chapters about cool events they do at the start of the year to build that NRHH pride.
"I would rather regret the things I have done than the things I have not." ~Lucille Ball
Below is a document all about starting strong that the PACURH Regional Technology Coordinator, Steven Crader, helped me create, and it gives a little more specifics. Thanks to Steven for his hard work and patience! %S%T%E%V%E%N%!
NRHH Start Early Guide
(Also, you'll probably notice this about me, but I absolutely adore inspirational quotes... Just fyi :-D )
Monday, July 26, 2010
July Updates!
Here are some updates for the end of July 2010!
June OTM regional winners are in! We had some great submissions and there was some great recognizing going on! Here they are:
Advisor: Kevin Kinney, Nominated by Angela Galipeau (San Francisco State University)
Resident Assistant: Mikaela Falwell, Nominated by Angela Galipeau (San Francisco State University)
Spotlight: NACURH 2010 Pre-Conference Committee, Nominated by J.R. Guzmán (University of California, San Diego)
Student: Briana Elliot, Nominated by Rachel Tran (University of California, San Diego)
First Year Student: Christopher Walinski, Nominated by Victoria Banuelos (University of California, San Diego)
Community: UCSD NACURH 2010 Delegation, Nominated by Amul Shah (University of California, San Diego)
Affiliate your chapters! Go to www.nacurh.org and click on the login. Your RHAs should have the login information for the school (and they're the same for both RHA and NRHH). You'll need to upload your chapter constitution, current membership list, and contact information. There is a fee that is per-school, and your NRHH/RHAs can decide to split it all up accordingly.
Email Beth at pa_adnrhh@nacurh.org if you have any issues!
Enjoy the rest of your summer! Get some well-deserved rest so you can be pumped up to start the year strong for 2010-2011!
That's it for now. Stay tuned for August's "Start the year strong" special blog!
With utmost diamond love,
Here are some updates for the end of July 2010!
June OTM regional winners are in! We had some great submissions and there was some great recognizing going on! Here they are:
Advisor: Kevin Kinney, Nominated by Angela Galipeau (San Francisco State University)
Resident Assistant: Mikaela Falwell, Nominated by Angela Galipeau (San Francisco State University)
Spotlight: NACURH 2010 Pre-Conference Committee, Nominated by J.R. Guzmán (University of California, San Diego)
Student: Briana Elliot, Nominated by Rachel Tran (University of California, San Diego)
First Year Student: Christopher Walinski, Nominated by Victoria Banuelos (University of California, San Diego)
Community: UCSD NACURH 2010 Delegation, Nominated by Amul Shah (University of California, San Diego)
Affiliate your chapters! Go to www.nacurh.org and click on the login. Your RHAs should have the login information for the school (and they're the same for both RHA and NRHH). You'll need to upload your chapter constitution, current membership list, and contact information. There is a fee that is per-school, and your NRHH/RHAs can decide to split it all up accordingly.
Email Beth at pa_adnrhh@nacurh.org if you have any issues!
Enjoy the rest of your summer! Get some well-deserved rest so you can be pumped up to start the year strong for 2010-2011!
That's it for now. Stay tuned for August's "Start the year strong" special blog!
With utmost diamond love,
Friday, July 9, 2010
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