"To bend a bamboo, start when it is a shoot." ~Malaysian Proverb

So, this next blog post is all about starting the year off strong. Some of you might recognize that quote from the pamphlet I handed out during NACURH at UCSD, and hopefully it's given you some food for thought during the past month and a half since we last saw one another. It's a quote that energized me for the start of the year last year, and I hope it can energize you all as well!

There's no doubt that your members are the busiest in the world (including yourself). However, at the start of the year, everyone's not only less busy, but they have tons more energy. So, capitalize on that energy. Do lots of programming--and lots of bold programming. Try something new! Work with your executive boards to take some risks and have some fun. Lost on ideas? Talk to other chapters about cool events they do at the start of the year to build that NRHH pride.
"I would rather regret the things I have done than the things I have not." ~Lucille Ball
Below is a document all about starting strong that the PACURH Regional Technology Coordinator, Steven Crader, helped me create, and it gives a little more specifics. Thanks to Steven for his hard work and patience! %S%T%E%V%E%N%!
NRHH Start Early Guide
(Also, you'll probably notice this about me, but I absolutely adore inspirational quotes... Just fyi :-D )
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