About this blog....

This blog is for any and all NRHH members from any region. Here you can find regional and national NRHH updates, areas for comments about what other chapters are doing, and general NRHH musings. It's PACURH-specific, but all are welcome to share their insight and enthusiasm for NRHH!

There will be updates at least bi-monthly, with special detailed updates close to conference times.

Friday, October 8, 2010

All about the OTMs, baby!

“People often say that motivation doesn't last. Well, neither does bathing – that's why we recommend it daily." 
~Zig Ziglar


So, this blog is all about OTMs! We recently had a regional NRHH chat about OTMs, so I thought it would be fitting to write my blog about that.

I used to write pretty crummy OTMs when I first became an NRHH member. I remember they had no more than a couple hundred words, and never really said anything significant about what the nominee did during the month. Half the time, the nominee wouldn't even know the OTM was written about them!
But, then one day an NRHH executive board member came to my RA staff meeting to talk about how to write good OTMs, and my world was changed! I learned that there's almost a fine art to how you write these, and ever since then I started winning campus-level OTMs. THEN I started winning regional level OTMs! I decided to have a personal goal to write an OTM every single month, and I have kept up with that goal ever since November of 2008.

Of course, I'm no longer allowed to write OTMs (which is weird, because I have to try to convince other people on campus to write OTMs for people I think are awesome), but I have certainly seen the benefits of writing these for people. Ever since my OTMs started really winning, I was able to brighten the days of many leaders and people on my campus.
Just the thought that I took time out of my busy schedule to write this for them and recognize the hard work they did really made them feel even better. Indeed, I discovered the magic of recognizing as I began my journey into OTM writing. It's more than just a membership requirement for my campus NRHH, it's a way to keep people going. To give them feedback and tell them that what they're doing is good, and to keep on doing it.

We all need positive feedback once in a while, so why not submit an OTM today and try to make someone's day better, and their job easier?

Below is the new OTM guide that I, along with the OTM Voting COmmittee, put together. There's tips about writing good OTMs, along with category break-downs, and a few ways campuses have spread the OTM love! I hope you all enjoy!

PACURH OTM Writing Guide