About this blog....

This blog is for any and all NRHH members from any region. Here you can find regional and national NRHH updates, areas for comments about what other chapters are doing, and general NRHH musings. It's PACURH-specific, but all are welcome to share their insight and enthusiasm for NRHH!

There will be updates at least bi-monthly, with special detailed updates close to conference times.

Saturday, November 20, 2010

OTMs of Utmost Importance!


So, there's been a few changes with OTMs that are important to keep in mind, so I felt it would be helpful if I included a quick blog about all of them. If you need to, please send this to your campus OTM admins so they can be aware of this for future reference.

First, a reminder that the Faculty-staff OTM is for academic faculty staff only, and not residential life staff or faculty. We had a lot of OTM submissions this past month that were disqualified because of this. Please change this on your campus level, so that any residential life staff are either under adviser or spotlight.

Second, (drum roll..........) The creation of a Passive Program OTM category is complete!!!! Now, instead of submitting an OTM for bulletin board of the month, you will submit it under the category of "Passive program" under the PROGRAM category (not the general category). This is possible thanks to a piece of legislation that PACURH presented the past year to the National NRHH Board, thanks much in part to Ashley Day's fantastic work. Please be sure to tell your schools and OTM administrators, since this is very important news!

Third, OTMS are due RIGHT when the 11th hits! So, at 11:59 on the 10th of each month is the last possible minute you can submit. This is just a little clarification since I know it can be kind of confusing at times.

☆ Also, the December 11th OTM submission date (for November OTMs) marks the official start of the OTM Competition! Remember: regional wins get 1 point, and national wins get 2! And, there may even be a special bonus for OTMs submitted in a certain category☆

Finally, here's the link to the official letter from the NAN, Matt Winkeler.

With utmost Diamond Love,


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