About this blog....

This blog is for any and all NRHH members from any region. Here you can find regional and national NRHH updates, areas for comments about what other chapters are doing, and general NRHH musings. It's PACURH-specific, but all are welcome to share their insight and enthusiasm for NRHH!

There will be updates at least bi-monthly, with special detailed updates close to conference times.

Saturday, April 30, 2011

End-of-April Updates!

April is over, but as Dr. Suess said, "Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened." Here are my updates for you!

NRHM Service Hour Log:
Did you complete any type of active service (excluding philanthropies) during NRHM? NACURH is collecting service hours in the hopes of reaching 720 total as an organization, but we can't do that without your help! Fill out the survey below so that we can make sure your service hours are recorded and we can reach our total! The final results will be made during NACURH, and the deadline to fill out this survey is May 15, 2011!


NRHH Regional Chat: May 19th at 9 PM on AIM. This will be all about preparing for NACURH, so if you are wondering about how that will go, curious to see what is in store, or just nervous about the huge conference, be sure to come! Send your upcoming NRHH rep as well so they can be as best prepared!

OTMs: the winners will be sent out in a separate email a few days from now, so keep your eyes peeled!

NACURH Philanthropy: Don't neglect the service pillar this May! Remember PACURH one of the big things we do is philanthropy and the numbers from No Frills 2011 were kind of low. Please see the message from the conference staff below:

The Camp NACURH staff has selected the National Arbor Day Foundation as our NACURH 2011 Conference Philanthropy. This philanthropy was selected because it not only fits with our camp theme but also because this is a way for us, as college students, to help give back to our natural national treasures. Before arriving in May, we would like all NACURH member schools to raise money on your campus. All proceeds will go to the National Arbor Day Foundation to help fund current and future projects. As you raise money, we would like to see your progress by declaring your pledge online. Pledging your school's donation is as easy as 1,2,3....
  1. Log onto your NACURH2011.com account.
  2. Make your pledge by clicking on "Philanthropy Pledge" under the Your Options menu.
  3. Check back often to find out which schools are in the lead under our "Top 5 Schools" section.
Any time you need to edit the amount of money your school is pledging, just log back in and make the necessary changes (only NCCs are allowed to pledge on behalf of their delegation/school). In addition, anyone will be able to see the top 5 schools that are raising money prior to the conference.

If you have any questions, feel free to e-mail philantrhopy@nacurh2011.com. We can't wait to see you in 37 days!

Scholastics Shout Out: I want to wish the best of luck with finals, those of you who are taking finals. And, all of you quarter schools taking midterms (like myself), best of luck with that as well!

That's all for now, but have a great May!

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

March and April Updates!

  1. National Residence Hall Month! It's finally here!! All throughout April we will be celebrating NRHM, and it's going to be awesome! If you haven't already started planning, please contact me! I am more than happy to help you brainstorm Ideas. Along with that, you can find the NRHM guide on the PACURH website at: http://pacurh.nacurh.org/2011/03/14/nrhm-guide-flyers/
  2. Service Hours Challenge! For NRHM NACURH has challenged all of the schools to try to reach 720 service hours collectively. In order to do this, we need your help! Keep track of your service hours, and at the end of April, a survey will go out to the regions for you to record your service hours in. Contact me if you have any other questions about this!
  3. NRHH Chat Reschedule- This upcoming Thursday at 9 PM. It's on AIM, so IM me at pa_adnrhh@nacurh.org. Don't forget to bring your buddy school!!
  4. NRHH U and NACURH U- Do you have something amazing to share to the rest of NACURH? Why not submit a program proposal for the NACURH 2011 conference? Deadline for submissions is April 15th, so hop to it, PACURH!! http://www.nacurh2011.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=68&Itemid=100
  5. Transitioning- As you elect your incoming NRHH executive board, pay careful attention to the importance of transitioning. Don't let all your hard work this year go in vain! Make sure you are leaving a good legacy this year, or else you might as well have done nothing all year :(

Saturday, January 8, 2011

All about: The NSRO!

"To think too long about doing a thing often becomes its undoing." ~Eva Young


Here are some NRHH updates, this time related to the NSRO.

First off, what is the NSRO? Well, it stands for the National Services and Recognition Office, and is the official supplier of NACURH apparel and recognition goods. This includes NRHH needs (membership pins, graduation cords, gold seals, etc), as well as apparel for both NACURH and NRHH. It used to be called the National NRHH Office (the NNO), and the director was also the official director of NRHH. In 2006 at the NACURH conference at UC Berkeley, that all changed and the NSRO was created, as well as the NAN position (called the "NANSI" for National Associate for NRHH and Special Initiatives. The last bit was dropped in 2008).

NSRO website

This past Semi-annual conference, the National NRHH Board approved a few changes with the NSRO that you might want to keep in mind.

First off, all pins have had their price changed. Bronze pins, OLS pins, NRHH membership pins, and RBD pins all equal $4.00 (USD). Membership pins have gone down in price 25 cents (USD), and the rest have gone up in price 75 cents (USD). Canadian Dollar amounts have changed in equivalence.
Next, the NSRO will no longer be providing 20 free induction certificates to chapters that affiliate on time. This was a decision that the NNB talked about for a very long time, and we agreed with the NSRO that there were other resources they could provide to chapters for affiliating that would be more financially sound and more widely-used than the certificates.

The NSRO is also looking into changing their apparel, so look forward to that! I most certainly have to admit that both the NBD and NNB got quite excited over some of the ideas they had.

(Argyle NRHH apparel, anyone?)

Finally, One last thing I want to mention is that the NSRO is the place where you will get your NRHH honors cords for graduating seniors. With that, it's easy to think that you can wait until around April or May to order those, but want to tell you: DON'T DO THAT. Order everything by March at the latest! The reason for this is that you're not the only one ordering cords and pins, so the office is going to be absolutely swamped around April-May. The earlier you order, the more likely you are to get everything in by graduation and awards ceremonies.

My last tip, when you mail in your check, fax a copy of the check and order form as well so that they can get started on the order immediately (and don't have to wait for the mail to deliver your money all the way to Wisconsin).

That's it for now, but be sure to contact the NSRO or myself if you have any other questions! Head to the NACURH website for even more info! (www.nacurh.org)

Diamond Love,